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The Silent Sacrifice: Story of Loved Ones and Their Sacrifice

  The Silent Sacrifice


  Fahad Jamshaid

  Scene 1:

  It was a full Moon when a boy called James was watching the stars from his room through window and that was the moment when he saw his soul mate for the first time. Kate and her family just moved in next to James's house. They were neighbors now and spent their childhood with each other they both used to go at each other houses very often. Fate was playing its role. Both were quite comfortable with each other, used to share every thought of theirs, problems, and laughs. A natural bonding was taking place. When they became a little mature they started to have feelings for each other. Both were shy at expressing their feelings so they kept this inside their heart, but they knew its love which has knocked at their doors. On James 19th birthday, Kate was also invited and then the doorbell rang, James was waiting for Kate to show up and when the door opened he saw her with his sparkling eyes as if she was shining like a diamond and she smiled at him. And now the cake was brought, James sliced a small piece and gave to Kate and after the ceremony they went up to his room where they shared their first kiss. It was the beginning of new era for them, now it was their usual routine to meet each other secretly. The sight of first love was like a drug. James started to skip his classes just to spend more time with her And Kate used to get ready just for him. Love was driving them crazy, she started to see her future with him and he told her that he won't let her go no matter what happens.

  As time passed, their love got matured, they wanted a successful relationship and before they could take the next step they knew they would face problems so decided to first establish themselves and then marry each other . It was hard holding back, they were thinking about their big day for so long and now there was only one thing standing between them. Soon James completed his bachelors and he started looking for a job so that he can fulfill his dream of marrying her, days passed but he was unable to find a job for himself. James got worried but Kate had faith in him, she used to pray for his success and the day came when he was offered a job by some Multinational company, they needed an operational manager to work for them in another country Now the question was whether to accept this opportunity or not So he went to Kate and told everything. She said: You should go, this is the only way we can fulfill our dreams, our own small house, please James! Don't let it slip. There was a hope in her voice but Behind her motivational support James could saw her tears, those tears which weren't coming down from her eyes and so James accepted this job for their good future .His flight was 2 days after, during this time both used to stare each other for hours, talk for whole nights, Some Promises were made cherishing every moment they had before they get separated by distance for one year. The day was here now, Kate said her goodbye, and she was breathless because all she could think of the time she had to live without him and suddenly James kissed her Pressing her lips softly, tasting the sweetness. Kate didn't want James to leave her she wanted that kiss to last forever.

  Scene 2:

  Emotions were out of controlled from both sides, and now James had to leave and Kate was left alone. Sitting alone in her dark room and crying herself to sleep but she couldn’t, that night was the most painful night of her life, without James it felt like there is nothing, she started thinking about the those times which they spent together; Their first kiss, late night talks, she was reliving those memories and felt like as if it was just a yesterday ago. She loved him more than anything .Meanwhile James reached there, he was determined and was looking ahead to their future ,which he planned to have with Kate .Today was his first day in office He went to his boss's cabin and was astonished to see a young woman Her name was Lisa, she was a smart beautiful looking woman. He worked there for the entire day and didn't feel like going home because he knew loneliness would be waiting for him. Company gave him an apartment to stay so after the office he went to his apartment. It was quite a nice place fully furnished but the only problem was that it was too big for James which reminded him of Kate very much, so he called her, the phone was ringing ....but no one answered. James again dialed the number and this time Kate picked up her voice was so mesmerizing, like the most beautiful sound of the world.

  James: Kate, how are you?

  Kate: I'm doing well, how’s the work going?

  James: today was the first day at work

  Kate: tell me everything about it.

  James: Well, it went good, my boss name is Lisa, a very young lady, and they gave me an apartment.

  Kate: oh that's great; send me the pictures of your apartment. James: yeah I will but not now, later!

  Kate: is something wrong?

  James: I miss you.

  Kate: I miss you even more James but we have to stay strong.

  James: that's what I'm trying to do but I want you here, with me!

  Kate: I love you, Very soon James, Our time will come.

  James: I love you too.

  Kate: It's late now, you should sleep, you have to go office in morning and I don't want you to be late.

  James: ok,

  Goodnight sweetheart The very next Morning, James seemed very happy and this became their usual routine and now James used to watch the clock very often because now he was in rush to go home and talk to Kate.

  One day he went to office and was doing his work when her boss called him into her cabin and told him their company got a big contract and he had to arrange a party for the clients. James did the task very well, bottles of champagne very popping everywhere and everyone was enjoying in the party. The very night after the party, Lisa called James at her house to discuss the client file. He drank too much at party and was still high. While discussing, at one point James lost his consciousness and all he could see was Kate. He began towards Lisa, and she didn't seem to mind at all because Lisa had feelings for him since the first day she saw him, it was love at first sight for Lisa and now they were all over the place, kissing each other and making love .James was so passionately loving her, saying I love you but in his mind he was saying all this to Kate, he had an illusion of Kate in-front of him.

  Scene 3:

  The Next morning when he woke up and saw Lisa next to him, his head trembled, face got all red. He didn't know what to do now. Guilt was rising, what would he tell to Kate now??! WHAT NOW? While he was lost in his thoughts, Lisa woke up and smiled but she soon realized James wasn't happy at all so she asked him; “What are you thinking? “He looked at her thinking what should I tell, she wasn't just any girl. He just slept with his boss and if he made her angry he might lose his job so he took a deep breath and said; “I’m sorry, I don't know how this happened. I’m ashamed at myself”.

  Lisa: what do you mean by that?

  James: I was drunk last night.

  Lisa: but you love me right? That’s what you been saying to me.

  James: No, I don’t! I'm sorry.

  Lisa: But I like you, I will always keep you happy.

  James: You do not understand my situation.

  Lisa: Then tell me! Is something wrong with me? Am I not pretty?

  James: No, it's not about you, you are perfect. It’s about me.

  Lisa: then what?

  James: I love somebody else and last night I thought I was with her.

  James then left and didn't go to office for two days. He couldn't sleep those nights, he didn't want to lose Kate, and she was his life. So in morning he went to the office and gave his resignation to Lisa .She refused to take it and tried to convince him not to leave his job due to what happened between them but he didn't listen, told her that it's best for hi
m to go back to his home. He boarded the plane and now all the way back to where his heart truly belong. Kate was alone in home and the doorbell rang. She opened the door and tear started flowing thru her eyes when she saw James standing in-front of her. He came inside and both hugged for a while. He wiped away her tears. Kate told him how much she missed him “You won't go now, right?" She asked. “No, I won't leave you again" he replied. Kate then said let's get married now, it’s time. I can't wait anymore; I want to be with you. I love you James .James was thinking how to tell Kate about that incident because he didn't wanted to hide anything from her. He didn't want their marriage to stand on a lie but there were other thoughts too, like what if after hearing the truth Kate leaves her?! Will she stay??Will she still love him the same?? But he had to tell her, so he gathered all his courage and holds her hand; said Kate there is something I want to tell you first .What is it?? She said with wrath.

  But before I tell you please do try to understand me, I love you so much and I can't spend my life without you. Kate got worried. “What is it James? “She said. There was a party at the office and we all got drunk, and later I had to go at my boss's place for some work. I don't know what happened to me then ,I started seeing you , I thought you were really there and I slipped . "I'm so sorry Kate” he said. Please believe me .Kate didn't say anything. She was speechless. She went to her room and locked the door, she cried all night. James went to bar cursing himself for ruining everything. Kate was now asking herself what she should do. She loves him so much and she knows James love her too, so she made the decision. James got back in morning and Kate told her that she forgives him. He couldn't believe it; James was so happy and promised not to repeat the mistake again! It was the modesty of truth which holds their relationship together. Even though it was hard to tell but he told her and that's what gave Kate hope to carry on. Finally the big wedding day is here now. They were marrying in church. Kate entered the hall and everyone's eyes were on her, she was looking beautiful in that white dress. James was standing with priest and looked at her like how he first time saw her when they were kids. The Priest announced them Husband and Wife and both kissed. Tonight was special for both of them especially for Kate because she has been dreaming about this for so long. James entered the room and Kate was looking at his face like what's James going to do next and he sat beside her. The whole night was waiting.

  He said “Today our dreams come true; we got the thing which we wanted for our entire life. We got us and I'm going to promise you to give all the happiness you ever wanted; I’ll make your every dream come true. I love you so much Kate and nothing can ever come between us! "Kate felt so relaxed as if her world just got completed. Both talked for almost whole night, About their dreams and future. It was a long journey for both of them and they started talking about their family. They were arguing over babies .James wanted a huge family but Kate said only two children! One boy and a girl. Finally they agreed and now James moved toward Kate. She knew what was coming so she closed her eyes and James kissed her and the night went beautiful .The next morning everything was changed. Kate was now Mrs. James. She was looking in the mirror and smiling so James asked her "why are you smiling like that? “She told him that she feels like the most beautiful girl in this world because she got her true love. “Indeed you are" James said. James was still jobless but that wasn't a big thing because now he has got what it takes and soon he found a job for himself because of her experience. They both were happy and it all seemed a happy ending for their love story but again fate played its role.

  Scene 4:

  Kate got pregnant. James was so much happy when he first heard this news, now their family was getting complete. So much suspense for their lives whether it will be a boy or a girl, they didn't want to know thru ultrasound because that would have just killed their excitement. They were deciding names for the baby. James was keen for a baby girl and to Kate it doesn't matter whether it would be a boy for a girl because all she cares of is becoming a mother .Both were happy, time was coming near and James was decorating room for their baby. It was full with toys and baby clothes. He was satisfied with life and now was the time when karma knocked at their door. It was evening when suddenly Kate fell dizziness and fell down through the stairs; James took her to the hospital. She was admitted in ICU and James was all worried. He was sweating and then the lady doctor came out and told him that Kate is fine but they have lost their child. It was like a bombshell; James went inside and saw Kate was crying. "Sshh, its ok Kate. May be it just wasn't the right time. We still have a beautiful future ahead and moments like this will come eventually "James said. But it wasn't just about the baby. Kate was crying for something else too. She was crying for her future. When Kate opened her eyes the doctors not only gave her the bad news about the baby but also told her the cause of this incident. She had a brain tumor and very less time.

  All that happiness just went away with a blink of an eye. Dreams shattered! She somehow managed to convince that doctor not to tell about the tumor to James and to discharge her as soon as possible because she wanted to spend the rest of every breath of hers with James .Soon she was discharged. She had a broken heart now. It felt like everything was killing her. Lost in her thoughts whether to tell James about this or not because she knew James loved him a lot and if anything bad happens to her then James could go insane or could also kill himself. It was indeed the most hard time of her life, she had to make a decision. She had two options in front of her. First was that she tells James everything about it and spend her remaining life with him and let him die after her death or she could let him live. So she chose the later one, she chose his life. With the passage of time she started creating ambiguity, that was the only way she could give James his life .She started faking calls in front of James so that he may thought she is talking to somebody else. She wanted to create doubt in his heart and got successful in it. James was confused and astonished at her behavior. He wanted to talk face to face with Kate about this situation. James got so lost in this thought; he couldn't believe that Kate was cheating on him. He was fighting with this thought every day and one night he heard Kate saying that baby wasn't of James, his head exploded and he confronted Kate.

  James: What the hell are you up-to? Tell me!

  Kate: What are you talking about?

  James: Who's the guy whom you are always talking to on the phone?

  Kate: Nobody.

  James: Don't lie to me Kate! I heard your conversation. You said it wasn't my baby? What the hell was that?

  Kate: I don't know what you are talking about.

  James: I trusted you but you broke my heart. I loved you so much. Did I deserve this? You cheated on me!

  Kate: So did you!

  James: Goodbye.

  Scene 5:

  James left the house, it was over for him. Everything seemed falling apart. On the other hand Kate was crying, she just broke the most beautiful thing which she loved the most. She lost everything, her life , her love and now she has nothing but she had to do this, she had no choice. James was drinking in the bar and there he met Lisa, he was surprised to see her there. She told him that she got promoted and they transferred her but she was more worried about James because he seemed depressed." Is everything okay?" Lisa said." No! I just lost everything I had. My wife was cheating on me with some other guy. I loved her so much and that's what I get in return? She was unfaithful and now we have separated our ways "he replied. Lisa asked him if he wanted to spend the night at her place but James refused to go, he said he'll manage and before going Lisa gave him her number .James moved out from that house and they both settled for a divorce .He got himself busy in work that was the only he could run away from this pain. Time passed and one day he met Lisa in a market, she was carrying a baby girl James asked her about the girl," This is my princess Lana "she said. "Wow, you got married. Many congratulations! Where is her father? "James said." He doesn't live with Us, it's quite complicated" she replied.

bsp; James held that child in his arms, he was playing with her but soon tears were rolling down through Lisa's eyes and that's when he got to know that it was his daughter. Lisa told him everything and also that she didn't marry anyone and still loves him! James had no other option than to accept them and give that little girl his name. They got married, moved to another country and was raising a beautiful child together. Sometimes at night James used to think about Kate, about their love. It was hard to forget her. He threw her out of his life but couldn't take her out from his heart. Kate's health was falling down quickly; she was admitted in the hospital and during her last breath there was only one name on her tongue and that was of James! She died but she saved the person whom she loved the most. Love isn't about taking, it's about giving and that's what she did. Kate gave him his life back, she sacrificed her love for his life and that was her silent sacrifice!


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  Fahad Jamshaid, The Silent Sacrifice: Story of Loved Ones and Their Sacrifice

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